
Hybrid working and the future of the corporate headquarters.

The return to the office is upon us. Many companies have realised the benefits of remote working, which can include increased productivity and may lead to lower operating costs. The pace of change has increased, and we are increasingly seeing the development of the hybrid workplace, which is a blend of working from the office, home and the “third space”. This welcome transition is forging an exciting future for the future of the office and in particular the corporate headquarters (HQ). Companies are looking to create smaller footprints, but with more facilities and a better user experience built around community engagement.

HQ’s will take a human centric approach, focussing on what people need and want and what keeps employees motivated and productive. This will be different for each company, leading the way for unique and exciting design opportunities. This is a chance for companies to put their brand stamp on their workplace, and really push their company ethos in a tangible way.

The old ways of working are gone, and instead this increase in flexibility will provide quality workplace experiences. Smarter, more efficient, more on brand HQ’s will be the key in staff retention. How companies create their personalised spaces to foster productivity will change from business to business, some with greater emphasis on relaxation spaces and quiet working practices, others with a real push towards full spec tech rooms incorporating more digital working practices. In turn creating workspaces unique to each company, allowing for a greater sense of unity, and belonging amongst employees, a feeling which they will be taken with them when working remotely, instilling motivation.

At the forefront of this change will be design. Designers will strive to give companies the ability for employees to collaborate better, be more efficient, creating more effective working practices. HQ’s will become energising spaces, that will give employees a sense of belonging and pride. A place where they will be excited to come to work, meeting their needs and supplying them with the tools to collaborate better, be more productive and make them feel valued.

Here at Crown we’re already working with forward-thinking organisations that recognise the value of social capital and are building flexible, connected hubs in strategic locations. As the way we work continues to evolve, people demand more from their workplaces. It’s critical to balance visual appeal with functionality, and create agile environments that people genuinely want to spend time in. We understand the changing landscape and create solutions to meet your challenges and embrace the opportunities ahead.
Get in touch with us to discuss the future of your workplace and how hybrid working can benefit your office.

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